When you send remote broadcasting messages or broadcast a text message from web site to the subscribers listed in your campaign, you can also post these broadcasted messages to your Facebook pages.
Follow these Steps to connect to your social media pages.
- Create an account for your company in Facebook and Twitter. You can add your company web pages in these social websites.
- Log on to Dash board web site and click on to manage social link.
- Click on to add connection along side the facebook text.
- Application will ask for your permission and your facebook credentials.
- After successfully logging on to the facebook, Facebook App authorized message will be displayed. Close the browser and you will see connection added to your Facebook pages.
- Similarly click on to add connection to Twitter and follow the steps and you will be connected to your twitter page.
- To post broadcasted message or remote broadcasted message to social media, go to the broadcast text message link in the navigation panel.
- Select your shortcode and SMS account. Type the broadcast subject.
- Select subscription List/Group radio button and then select your campaign.
- Type the message content and click on to next.
- Mobile numbers of the subscribers of the selected campaign will be displayed in the list box
- Select the Facebook and Twitter check box, you can also select where you want to post these messages, either on the default profile wall or your customized web page.
- Click done to send the messages. These messages will be also posted to your facebook and twitter pages.
- Similarly you can post your messages to your social media pages with remote broadcast.
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