When creating new campaigns, please review the following Checklist:
Campaign Description:
- The campaign description needs to clarify the identity of the entity using the campaign and its intended purpose.
- Ex: Appointment reminder and confirmation notifications for a dentist’s office to remind their patients of newly scheduled and upcoming appointment dates and times.
Message Flow:
- The message flow should clearly detail the process through which end users opt-in to receive messaging traffic before any messages are sent.
- If there's an opt-in form on the website, kindly provide the link to the specific page where the opt-in information is collected.
- Additionally, it is recommended to include a picture(such as a publicly accessible Google Drive link to an uploaded image) illustrating where the opt-in occurs.
- Please ensure to include a link to the privacy policy.
- Ex: Patients click “Book an appointment” on www.example.com, and then there is an SMS opt-in form that communicates the purpose, frequency, and terms of joining this campaign. It is not required to accept SMS notifications to submit the form. Screenshot of opt-in: https://imgur.com/a/4XCk7ga. Privacy Policy which indicates no sharing or selling of PII with third parties for promotional or marketing purposes: www.example2.com/privacy.
Sample Messages:
- If the link attribute for the campaign is checked off, please include relevant links.
- Provide a variety of up to 5 samples that showcase the different content you plan to send through this campaign.
- Ensure that all content maintains consistency with your brand, campaign description, and website.
- It's advisable to adhere to the 160-character limit per message to align with industry best practices.
Ex: Upcoming Appointment: March 5, 2024, 2 pm w/ Dr. AB at 123 Craig Avenue in Scranton, PA. To reschedule, please call 18005551234.
Ensure that opt-in forms featured on the website incorporate the following elements:
A designated field for entering the phone number
A checkbox
A call-to-action (CTA) linked to the checkbox, including the following verbiage:
Consent Statement: “By selecting this option, you consent to receive messages from XXXX”
Clarification of terms: “Terms and Rates may apply.”
Direct links to the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.
The Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions must explicitly outline the utilization of end-user data and notably emphasize that it is not shared with any third parties or affiliates for marketing purposes.
Opt-out instructions: “Text STOP to opt-out”
Privacy Policy:
- Ensure the website's privacy policy contains language that adheres to regulations, preventing the disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information (such as phone numbers and names obtained through opt-in consent) to third parties for promotional or marketing endeavors.
Ex: We do not engage in the sale, trade, or transfer of your personally identifiable information to external parties.
- The campaign description needs to clarify the identity of the entity using the campaign and its intended purpose.