Now your Facebook fans can join mobile opt-in list directly from Facebook, create Facebook opt-in widget with a few clicks.
Step-by-step instructions
- Generate Web widget HTML code for your campaign.
- Click here to open Facebook application page
- Logon to the Facebook.
- Allow or Click on "Add Static HTML: iframe tabs" to allow Facebook to add tab on your page.
- Now click on "Edit Page --> Update Info" -- view more
- Click on "Apps"
- From listed Apps, click on Edit Settings on "Static HTML:iframe tabs" App
- Update Custom tab name to "Mobile Signup".
- Now go to view page or Welcome tab and click on Mobile Sign-up Icon
- Now, you can Edit on Public Content tab and paste generated web widget html code in the window. Note: Facebook only allows https content.
- Repeat same step for your fan page.
Click here to view our Fan page on Facebook