Follow these steps to set up appointment reminders.
- Log on to the dashboard website.
- Click on the Appointments in the navigation panel.
- Click on the add a new button.
- Select the shortcode.
- Give some relevant name to the event.
- You can edit the appointment template, decline the response, and confirm response.
- You can also add email and mobile number
- Save Event info.
- Select the appointment group from the drop-down list that you have recently created.
- You can import the appointments from a CSV file. To import appointments, click Import Appointments. You can see the sample format of the CSV file by clicking the 'sample CSV file format' link in the Import appointment pop-up window.
- The uploaded CSV file should contain: FirstName, LastName, Mobileno, Appointment date, and reminder date.
- You can manually enter the appointment by filling up the information in the text box.
- To view the appointment reminders in the group select the type of appointment reminder from the drop-down list and enter the date range and click on Get Appointment. Your scheduled appointment for the given condition will be listed.
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