Mobile codes are increasing in popularity. You can find them these days pretty much anywhere: as tags on flyers and posters; on business cards, on CV, in magazines and blogs, offline and online. They are a great way of sharing information with friends and communicating your message to strangers in a fun way.
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The possibilities are endless. You can encode your mobile site address and put it on your blog page or website for easy access. Or you can create mobile code with your phone number or email address and print it on the back of your business card. Whatever it is, mobile codes make accessing information with a mobile device a one click matter.
When you create a web widget, QR code for the Web widget is also created and you can use this QR code with various marketing medium and users can scan this QR code through their mobile and easily sign up for your campaign.
Follow these steps to generate QR codes:
- Logon to the Dash board website.
- Click on to Generate QR code from the navigation panel.
- Select the content type from the drop down list.
- Enter the content, e.g. If you select URL, type the URL
- Select the color size from the drop down list.
- Click Generate to Generate the QR code