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You can capture customers contact information and add it to you subscriber list. Follow these steps to capture the customers contact information in an auto responder campaign.
- Logon to the Dash board website.
- Click on to manage campaign
- In the Search Textbox type the name of the campaign and press enter.
- Click Edit to modify the campaign.
- Enable Email Capture by selecting the checkbox.
- Click 'Capture Contact info' link.
- Check Email Capture, Name Capture and Zip code Capture.
- Type the Email Capture response to be returned back to the customer.
- Click save, go back and save the campaign.
When the customer sends the message in format shown below then their contact information will be captured by the system and added to the subscribers list.
<keyword> name zipcode email
<keyword> zipcode email
<keyword> zipcode name email
<keyword> email name zipcode
<keyword> email name
<keyword> name