To Add a dedicated number to your account:
- Log in to your Dashboard
- Choose Text Numbers on the Navigation Panel
- Then access Add Dedicated Number
- Select the country for which you want to have a virtual number
- Now you can search either by Area code then just click on the Filter to show the list of numbers
- Click on Buy to add phone number to your account, verify monthly charges and Press Confirm Purchase
- Once number is added to your account, you can use it with different campaigns. For most of the services the dedicated phone number should be selected from the campaign edit screen such as Email to Text Service, Text to Email, Auto Responder, Text to Win, etc.
- Except for Outlook Text messaging, if you want to use your dedicated number as your sender ID, the phone number from which people will receive text message, you should follow steps given in the following article.
- A2P 10DLC Registration is required for US Messaging. For further details about 10DLC you can check the article here What is 10DLC?